Friday, October 22, 2010

Bad Credit History - Poor Credit History

Bad credit history as the word itself describes, the borrower has a consistent record of one or other type of problem in repayment. It means borrower has not been able to repay the committed amount on the committed day of the month, not for one month but for several months. These problems may be of any form such as partial payment, delayed payments, no payment etc. Now a day, it's easy to end up with a bad credit history or a bad credit rating, at time not due to your fault such as perhaps your bank has not paid a direct debit on your behalf, perhaps you've mislaid a bill, or maybe you've moved address and have forgotten to inform a creditor. Bad credit rating may also be caused by factors such as defaults on payments, mortgage arrears, bankruptcy orders etc and becomes a problem when trying to get a loan. It is said that in U.K. one out of three borrowers have one or other type of credit problems.

Remember it doesn't take much time to build bad credit history, but a lot of time to get back to the original state. Bad credit history will form a vicious circle, which can be difficult to break. The statistics show that many people are now facing the threats of bad credit history. If you have bad credit history, it is a reality you can't gulp down, neither can keep it. For bad credit history, you will have to give a test of patience, skill, and planning. It is worth making the effort because bad credit history loans not only provide you with funding that you need but also a way to repair credit.

Lenders' main concern in a loan offer is the safe and timely return of the loan. In bad credit history unsecured loans, lenders face a two fold risk; there is no property to secure the loan and bad credit history which means the borrower can repeat payment default. So it all boils down to what extent the borrower is able to convince the lender about safe repayment of bad credit history unsecured loans. This means documents of annual income, service years spent as an employee and bank statements are crucial and play a major role. Show these documents to the lender. Also make a very convincing repayment plan stating how much of money you are left with after paying for routine expenses and paying previous loans. This way lender exactly knows about your repayment capacity and offers you bad credit history unsecured loans without any collateral.

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